

About IMO’s OPRC Model Courses

The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has developed a range of oil spill model training courses to address all aspects of marine oil spill planning, response and management.

These courses have been designed and developed by an international group of experts from governments and industry. The latest revision was made in 2019. OSA Training is pleased to oHer the IMO’s latest edition of these courses to the maritime, port, oil and Petro-chemical community :

  • Introductory Level :

    Raising Awareness

  • Level 1 :

    First Responders

  • Level 2 :

    Supervisors and On-Scene Commanders

  • Level 3 :

    Administrators and Senior Managers

These courses are not designed to be undertaken in succession; the specific course should be chosen giving consideration to the roles and responsibilities of the prospective audience.

Oil Spill Response Training – Introductory Level

(IMO OPRC Introductory Level Model Courses Equivalent)

Who Should Attend

This is a general introductory course aimed at providing those with no specific job responsibilities in the preparedness or response to oil spill incidents with an awareness of the subject.

It is not intended as a foundation course for the Level 1, 2 or 3 courses.

Duration1-day (8.30 am to 5.30 pm)
Course Objectives
To introduce participants to the subject of oil spill response, to understand the fate and behaviour of oil when released into the marine environment and to consider the impact of oil spills.To introduce participants to the work being carried out by the international community to reduce or prevent oil spills from occurring and, if they do occur, how these incidents are best prepared for and responded to.To introduce participants to the range of oil spill response options and techniques that are available to the response managers and responders, in addition to the common challenges that may be faced during a response operation.
Topics to be Covered
  • Fate and Behavior of Oil in the Marine and Shoreline Environment

  • Impact of Oil Spills

  • International and Local Legislations

  • Oil Spill Response Preparedness

  • Overview of Oil Spill Response Techniques

  • Relevant videos and oil spill incidents case study

Oil Spill Response Training – First Responders (Operational) Level

(IMO OPRC Level 1 Model Courses Equivalent)

This course is focused on the operational activities that take place in the field. It is designed to prepare and assist participants in the management of field operations, and in the health and safety aspects of an oil spill response.

Who Should Attend

Aimed at Team Leaders, Supervisors, First Responders and all those working in the field in response to an oil pollution incident.

Duration3-day (8.30 am to 5.30 pm)
Course Objectives
To understand the principles of oil spill response including the management of field operations and the health and safety aspects of response.To understand the advantages and disadvantages of each oil spill response technique as well as the logistical requirements for their deployment in the field.To understand in detail the support issues including waste management and post response operations.
Topics to be Covered
  • Fate and Behaviour of Oil in the Marine and Shoreline Environment

  • Impact of Oil Spills

  • Principles of Incident Management – Field Perspective

  • Health and Safety Aspects of Oil Spill Response

  • Overview of Oil Spill Response Techniques

  • Dispersants

  • Booms - Containment and Protection

  • Skimmers

  • Temporary Storage

  • Implementing Waste Management

  • Post incident operations

Oil Spill Response – Supervisors and On-Scene Commanders (Tactical) Level

(IMO OPRC Level 2 Model Courses Equivalent)

This course focuses on the function and operation of the incident command centre. It commences by looking at the sources and impacts of oil spills and continues with an overview of contingency planning and preparedness, followed by what response tools may be available to facilitate decision-making during an oil spill.

Who Should Attend

Aimed at Incident Managers, On-Scene Commanders, Supervisors and all those working in an incident command centre in response to an oil pollution incident.

Duration4-day (8.30 am to 5.30 pm)
Course Objectives
To understand the various tactical aspects to be considered during an oil spill response.To understand the advantages and disadvantages of each oil spill response technique to facilitate their selection of the appropriate response tactics.To understand in detail the existing oil spill response techniques. This will allow them to turn the incident response strategy into tactical instructions and exercise command and control over the response.To understand issues that need to be addressed during an oil spill. It focuses very much on overall considerations such as health and safety, logistics, decontamination, waste management and disposal.To understand the termination process of a response and to consider the post incident operations and administrative issues that need to be addressed.
Topics to be Covered
  • Sources and Impacts of Oil Spills

  • Overview of Contingency Planning and Preparedness

  • Principles of Incident Management

  • Response Tools

  • Fate and Behaviour of Oil in the Marine and Shoreline Environment

  • Observation & Remote Sensing

  • Containment, Recovery and Salvage Considerations

  • Use of Dispersants

  • Shoreline Assessment and Clean-up

  • Oil Spill Response in Fast Water

  • Oiled Wildlife Management

  • Health and Safety Considerations

  • Logistical and decontamination issues

  • Waste Management and Disposal

  • Communications and Media

  • Post-incident Administration Issues

Oil Spill Response Training – Administrators and Senior Managers (Strategic) Level

(IMO OPRC Level 3 Model Courses Equivalent)

This course focus on the technical aspects of oil spill response such as available technical tools, risks assessment, impacts of oil spills, oil spills response options, and on the organizational aspects of spill response, such as roles and responsibilities and incident management.

Who Should Attend

Aimed at administrators and senior managers with responsibilities for determining preparedness and strategy in response to a marine oil spill.

Duration4-day (8.30 am to 5.30 pm)
Course Objectives
To enable participants to implement an efficient oil spill preparedness and response system.To understand the key technical aspects of oil spill responses in order to implement an efficient National or Regional Contingency Plan and to respond efficiently to incidents.To have a deep understanding of management issues they will face during the implementation of a National or Regional contingency plan or during an oil spill response. It focuses very much on the organizational aspects of spill response, such as roles and responsibilities and incident management.To understand the various communication requirements during oil spill response activities; andTo understand the international liability and compensation mechanisms for damages resulting from an oil spill from a ship.
Topics to be Covered
  • The Legal Framework

  • Oil Spill Response Preparedness

  • Technical Tools for Oil Spill Response

  • Assessment of Spill Risks

  • Impacts of Oil Spills

  • Case History

  • Oil Spill Response Options

  • Places of Refuge and Salvage Considerations

  • Selecting the appropriate response strategy

  • Planning and Cooperation

  • Strategic Directions and Policies – the Role of Senior Management

  • Roles and Responsibilities of Government, Industry, etc.

  • Leadership During an Emergency

  • Incident Management Systems (IMS)

  • Termination of Response

  • Incident Management Exercise

  • Managing information

  • Internal & External Communication Requirements

  • The International Compensation Regime

  • Claims and Compensation Preparation